On October 27, 2021, Tony Crocamo from Fair Districts PA (FDPA), gave an overview of Gerrymandering tactics and strategies and offered ways to explore how particular states conduct the redistricting process. The more the public investigates redistricting, the harder it is for politicians to draw the lines for their partisan advantage. Watch the video of the webinar below.
The redistricting season is in full swing; every state in the union is using the 2020 census data to redraw congressional districts. The districts being draw today will determine the shape of US Congress for the next ten years. Too often, the redistricting process is deliberately used by the politicians to draw district lines that favor or disadvantage one political party over another.
Fair Districts PA (FDPA) is a non-partisan coalition of citizens and organizations seeking to reform Pennsylvania’s redistricting rules and make the process of drawing districts impartial, transparent, and accountable. RESOURCES: